Ministry Vision - Introduction

We believe that God wants to express Himself through Bellevue, at this time, by Bellevue serving our neighbors...those who live right outside the doors of the church and those we meet in our everyday lives. Through conversations with others, discussions among the team, and much prayer by Prayer Teams and others, the Vision Team discerned that Bellevue’s strength is the gift of hospitality. We desire to serve with the same kind of love God poured out for us through His son, Jesus. 

As commanded in Matthew 28:19, we must “...go into all the world and make disciples...”.  It is time to move outside Bellevue’s doors and use our gift of hospitality to serve our neighbors where they are, whatever their circumstances may be. The parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 helps us to define our neighbors as anyone we meet. It also teaches us about the love of Christ, a love that is given with no cost to us...a sacrificial love. We have been rescued by this love and now it is time to serve our neighbors, build relationships, share the gospel, and make disciples, all to the glory of God. Therefore, we are encouraged through Biblical preaching and teaching to step out in faith from our comfort zones, equipped, supported, and held accountable, as we go in obedience to The Great Commission.

Ministry Vision - Statement




Ministry Vision - Strategies

  • Meeting neighbors where they are, both physically and spiritually.
  • Loving and serving with a purpose to build a relationship.
  • Becoming a recognizable and available people of Christ.
  • Intentionally serving our local community.
  • Showing and sharing the Gospel.
  • Praying together for individuals and our community.
  • Leaning on the church body for support, equipping and accountability.
All, so the neighbor becomes our friend and a follower of Jesus Christ!